Ignacio Goitia: when fetish breaks into art
The exhibition The universe of Ignacio Goitia at the Instituto Cervantes (Rome - Piazza Navona) has been extended until December 31st.
Ignacio Goitia
Ignacio Goita is a Basque artist, born in Bilbao in 1968, attributable to the current of surrealism.
His works, usually large, are characterized by the strong perspective system that portrays classical architecture, especially Roman and Renaissance.
In these classic environments a surrealistic and irreverent vein breaks out characterized by dissonant figures: veiled women surrounding the Barberini Faun, giraffes in Roman architecture, policemen and leathermen int the interior of prestigious representative palaces.

Igacio Goitia

Pasiòn por Canaletto
Classicism and Fetishishm
To catch our attention, of course, was the presence within his works of many and evident references to the fetish imaginary.
Better, we can say that fetishism represents the fulcrum, the key element to interpret many of his works since in representations that would otherwise be banal (a noble palace, Roman or Renaissance architecture), fetishism breaks out as a desecrating and contrasting element:men in chaps, attractive policemen and soldiers with well-rounded buttocks, half-naked figures that recall the men of Tom of Finland .
It is precisely the inclusion of these homo-erotic and fetishistic elements that makes Ignacio Goitia's work unique and interesting: his men in leather do not subvert the classic space, but live it naturally, and indeed enhance its characteristics.
Shortly, Goitia seems to tell us that diversity must and can coexist and that this this coexistence creates wealth and, why not, even an ironic smile.
The Ehibition
The Roman exhibition shows 12 works by the artist, in most of which there is the fetish element. The exhibition was curated by the artist himself as a concise summa of his ten-year activity.
The exhibition is free and open every day, from 4 to 8 pm, at the Instituto Cervantes - Piazza Navona 91 (Rome)
Photo gallery
- Before the party
- Before the party (dettaglio)
- Biscayne Folie
- Conversation piece – Salòn de casa
- Conversation piece with Luis I of Baviera
- Dettaglio
- Dettaglio
- Dettaglio
- El caso Flamingo o una excusa para la guerra (Dettaglio)
- En el palacio de justicia de Bruselas
- En el palacio de justicia de Bruselas (dettaglio)
- Firma dell’artista (sala 3)
- Particolare
- Sala 3
- Sala 3
- Sala 3
- Salòn Chinoise (dattaglio)
- Salòn Chinoise (dattaglio)
- Salòn Chinoise (dattaglio)
- Leather Club Roma alla mostra
- Leather Club Roma alla mostra
- Leather Club Roma alla mostra